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Hexadermal 72% Aclohol Gel 500ml/Hexadermal 酒精磋手液500毫升



2022年2月14日更新: 由於疫情關係, 此產品倉庫運作有特殊安排, 購買此產品發貨日期需要一星期時間, 如有不便請見諒, 購買前可以先WhatsApp 68896000 溝通🙏🏼 購買此產品請選擇”運費到付” For this item. Please choose SF express cash on delivery Alcohol Based Hand & Skin Disinfection For Sensitive Skin Lanolin added Hand Sanitizer 500ml [Hexadermal] Alcohol Based / Hospital Grade / Medical Grade / German Brand / Made in Turkey 含有72%乙醇的皮膚手部和皮膚消毒劑,用於活體組織消毒和術前皮膚消毒劑。 它具有殺菌,殺真菌和病毒滅活的特性。為了確保其對革蘭氏(+)和革蘭氏(-)細菌均有效,並針對多種微生物,富含有效的殺菌劑葡萄糖酸氯己定。 德國品牌 土耳其製造 Composition Ethanol 63.0 (% 72 v/v) Isopropanol 0.30 Lanoline, cetyl alcohol, 1-3 butandiol Antimicrobial Properties Bactericidal ( Icnl. Tb – MRSA , VRE) Fungicidal Virus inactivating (HBV, HCV, HIV, Rota, Vaccinia, Adeno, Polio, Norowalk, Papova, influenza) Usage Areas Hexadermal is used as pre-surgery hand and skin antiseptic and as punction skin antiseptic in hospitals and under conditions where frequent hand and skin antisepsis is necessary. - Clinics, hemodialisis units, emergency-intensive care units, ambulances - Operating and consulting rooms, diagnosis and treatment units - Food and drink industry, pharmaceutical industry, veterinary practice - Sport centers and clean rooms etc. Ready For Use Solution Hexadermal hand and skin antiseptic, with its alcohol content, is used for disinfection of living tissues and as presurgery skin antiseptic. It has bactericidal, fungicidal and virus inactivating properties. It is free from cumulative long-term acting ingredients. Suitable for sensitive or allergic skin. Hexadermal is well tolerated by the skin, doesn’t cause irritation or sensitization. 洗必泰具有陽離子結構,可牢固地與組織結合,即使在使用後仍顯示出抑菌特性。幾乎沒有從皮膚吸收葡萄糖酸氯己定的現象。皮膚已經很好地耐受表皮,不會引起刺激或過敏。抗菌特性:殺菌(包括Tb – MRSA)殺真菌病毒失活(HBV,HCV,HIV,Rota,Vaccinia(腺病毒,脊髓灰質炎,Norowalk,Papova) 80毫升凝膠 可立即使用的含酒精的手部消毒劑。不包含長期累積的活性成分。適用於對過敏敏感的皮膚。接觸時間:符合衛生標準的手部消毒。EN 1500:濃縮30秒,符合EN 12791的手部外科手術消毒:濃縮3分鐘。包括MRSA在內的殺菌劑:濃縮1分鐘。符合EN 1650的左旋殺菌劑:濃縮30秒;符合EN 14348的結核殺菌劑:濃縮5分鐘;符合EN 14476的腺病毒,脊髓灰質炎病毒,諾羅病毒和輪狀病毒:濃縮1分鐘; H225高度易燃液體和蒸氣。/ P102放在兒童接觸不到的地方。/ P210遠離熱源,熱表面,火花,明火和其他點火源。/ P233保持容器密閉。/ P370 + P378著火時:二氧化碳,使用化學乾粉或噴水滅火。/ P403 + P233存放在陰涼通風處。/ P501按照當地/區域/國家/國際法規處置內裝物/容器。使用前請務必閱讀標籤和產品信息。

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