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Jessy & Company White Caviar Illuminating Cream 亮白鱼子精华焕肤面霜 50ml



White Caviar Illuminating Cream 😃😄👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼SPECIAL OFFER: Enter promotion code (優惠代碼) “JESSYVIP” upon checking out to get cash coupon of HKD105 and get Jessy & Company White Caviar Illuminating Cream for HKD870 🙀👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 The WHITE CAVIAR ILLUMINATING CREAM is an exquisite lightweight 24-hour moisturizing Face Cream that helps to brighten and even out skin tone, and gradually minimize visible signs of pigmentation. Infused with the rarest variety of Caviar, Pearl and White Truffle extracts, and potent actives with a special Extract of Glycyrrhiza Glabra helps to brighten the skin and diminish uneven skin tone. Vitamin B3 and a potent Short Chain Peptide Complex work to lighten and even skin complexion, and reduces dark spots*. Hyaluronic Acid and Hydrolyzed Collagen provides intensive moisture. It helps to fight existing blemishes, reduce appearance of pores, and improve skin texture. It also helps yo to boosts skin microcirculation for glowing, more even-looking skin. This luxurious FACE CREAM brightens and refines skin tone and texture, and minimizing pores using gentle active ingredients. *Third party lab tests for significant brightening efficacy Active Ingredients: Caviar, Pearl, White Truffle, Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Vitamin B3, Short Chain Peptide Complex, Hyaluronic Acid, Patented Plant Brightening Ingredients Benefits • Gives the complexion a more even glow • Reduces visible signs of pigmentation • Brightens the skin and diminishes uneven skin complexion, and reduces dark spots • Hydrates the skin • Fights existing blemishes, reduces appearance of pores, and improves skin texture • Boosts skin microcirculation for glowing, more even-looking skin 亮白魚子精華煥膚面霜 50ml 这款专贵面霜主打24小时保湿,美白亮肌及淡化色斑。注入珍贵的鲟鱼子酱精华、水解胶原蛋白、珍珠末及松露萃取物,有助肌肤提升弹性、回复光滑细致。品牌为面霜专研完整的美白方案,使肌肤变白提亮*,能深入肌肤控制黑色素生成。再配合高科技脂质体渗透及植物原生细胞提取技术,增强皮肤细胞增生及代谢,从而減淡现有色斑,并改善皮肤纹理,促进皮肤微循环,使肌肤焕发光彩,明艳照人。透亮鱼子精华焕肤面霜结合了各种高效且温和的科研成份,让您的肌肤提亮,改善质感的同時,得到更深层的锁水保湿,改善屏障,增加肌肤弹性,达至紧致水润的透亮效果。 *第三方专业科研检测美白效果评为显注 主要成份:鲟鱼子酱精华、水解胶原蛋白、珍珠末、松露萃取物、植物干细胞提取物、专利草本美白成份、烟酰胺、多肽、甘草提取物 •減少黑色素,使膚色更明亮 •提亮皮膚,使膚色均衡,減少黑斑 • 對抗瑕疵,減少毛孔及改善皮膚質感 • 促進皮膚微循環,使肌膚煥發光澤 Jessy & Company 的 PeneCell-DF™ 配方象徵了我們的創新,並在現代護膚領域中樹立了尊貴的世界標準。我們採用歐洲最先進的優質技術,選取安全健康的成分,針對每一寸肌膚,充分體現了我們品牌對護膚品的熱情。 Jessy & Company 的產品經過嚴格的皮膚科測試,適合任何肌膚使用。我們的產品包含創新的高濃度優質成分,通過突破性的科技和精心的配方設計,致力於打造出最震撼、最明顯和最亮麗的效果。 PeneCell-DF™:配方透過無與倫比的細胞專業知識和精心挑選的珍稀成分,以最佳的成分比例,打造出能滿足每個客戶的肌膚的需求的產品,營造奢華的質感、體現出高效治愈、芬芳及華麗的美學。

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